Information technology core facility
About us
Welcome to the Information Technology Core Facility at IMTM. We're here to provide a range of advanced IT services that support IMTM's research and operations.
Our core mission is to establish a secure IT infrastructure that underpins IMTM's activities. We prioritize IT security through cutting-edge measures to protect sensitive information and maintain the integrity of our digital assets.
Recently, we have successfully passed the ISO 27001/27002 certification process.
IMTM HelpDesk
IMTM HelpDesk is a request tracker which can be used for receiving, tracking, managing, and resolving requests from customers. Customers can send requests by email or customizable help center. IMTM HelpDesk organizes and prioritizes these requests in a single place.
Safe data storage - IMTM Private cloud
IMTM file cloud is hosted exclusively on our own private servers so we can assured that our data is under our control.
HPC computing - IMTM HPC Facility
IMTM operates its own HPC facility for bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, genome analyses and many other computations
Clinical studies - ClinData
Clindata is comprehensive information system for data stewardship in clinical trials, registries and other clinical/scientific databases.
Description of ClinData system is here.
Preclinical studies - PreClinData
Comprehensive information system for data stewardship in pre-clinical trials and animal studies (GLP and non-GLP).
Description of PreClinData system is here.
Chemical library - MedChemBio portal
Laboratory information and management system for medicinal chemistry, high-throughput screening and chemical biology: Compound registration and management, QA, in vitro biology, pharmacology, data analysis, storage, export and reporting.
Description of MedchemBio Portal is here.
Laboratory information system - ClinLab
Laboratory information system for management of laboratory samples from various projects. It includes also portal for publication results to patients.
Description of ClinLab system is here.
Laboratory information system for SARS-CoV-2 samples - CovIt
Laboratory information system for management of samples tested on virus SARS-CoV-2.
Description of CovIT system is here.
Planning of laboratory instruments - Lab Scheduler
Software tool for planning and management of laboratory instruments.
Description of Lab Scheduler tool is here.
You can contact us through the following methods:
Phone: N/A
Email: it.imtm@upol.cz
Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute, Palacky University, Hnevotinska 5, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic