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Biomarkers - Identification and validation
Research focuses on the identification, verification and implementation of new biomarkers for diagnostic, prognostic and predictive purposes. These biomarkers can be applied in situations directly linked to patient care, drug development and research. The goal is to expand and strengthen the knowledge base in the identification and validation of biomarkers. Research personnel perform genomic, metabolomic and proteomic analyses of biomolecules modulating signal and regulation pathways in normal and tumor/diseased cells. The program has generated a substantial portfolio of candidate biomarkers and seeks to further validate their relevance in various clinical situations.
Program leaders
Program highlights
Well characterized model cell lines and collections (biobank) of primary tumours/tissues.
New methods for identification and validation of biomarkers (siRNA knock-downs, ex vivo and in vivo tests) for cancer and infectious diseases.
Diagnostic procedures/kits based on validated biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis or prediction of human diseases.